Sh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilahi wa rajioun.
I received a text message last night telling me that Shauykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubis’ wife had died and that their daughter was in critical condition after being involved in a car accident.
It was shocking news, I’ve never met nor even seen the Shauykhs wife yet I felt as if I had been told a close member of my own family had passed away. It was a strange night full of dream s and awoke this morning thinking the news was something I had dreamt.
May Allah swt have mercy upon her soul and grant her Jannah and her family and friends sabr. Ameen.
Whilst I write this I have just received the following email
From Allah we come to Allah we return
A sister emailed this to the Deen Intensive e-mailing group:
A Tribute to Umm Ibrahim/Ferizeh Rabat
As salaamu 'Alaykmum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,
For those of you who did not meet Umm Ibrahim, I thought a glimpse of her rare personality would help in your du'as for her and the family she left behind. Umm Ibrahim has been helping this ummah since she first married Sheikh Muhammad al Yaqoubi 10 years ago. It is through her generosity that we were able to have the time, the classes, with Sheikh Muhammad al Yaqoubi through the years. The wives of all our beloved shuyukh serve the ummah in manifold ways, in fact, their's is a life of pure service. Hundreds of us have eaten from the blessed meals of our shuyukhs' wives, May Allah reward them all. And if that were all they did, it would already be too much as those barakah meals last us a lifetime, meanwhile, they are lovingly presented, day in and day out, in the homes of our shuyukh, who have swinging doors serving the students of Sacred Knowledge. Jazahum Allah khayran. Umm Ibrahim never tired of serving the students, from cooking for them, caring for them, listening to the sisters issues and passing on their questions to the sheikh, making dua's for us through the years and the list never ends. Umm Ibrahim had quick quips ready for any topic broached, was energetic and loved her children more than anything in the world. She loved reading to her kids, teaching them arts and crafts and loved to play in the park with them. At any given moment, she would be engrossed in something she was doing for them or with them, all the while, fielding phone calls, questions from students, for Sheikh Muhammad. She educated herself in homeopathy, organic whole foods, and wanted only the purest nourishment for her family. She was a tireless mother. Upon first meeting her I told Sheikh Muhammad that I had never met anyone like his wife in my life. I first met her in the apartment Sheikh Muhammad lived in with his family when teaching at Zaytuna, in Hayward, California, during this very month of Rabi' al Awwal, six years ago. My husband and I had come from New York to visit Sheikh Muhammad and his family, Sheikh Hamza and Zaytuna Institute, for the weekend. After arriving from the airport to our hotel near their apartment, we went to greet them in the evening. Umm Ibrahim and Sheikh Muhammad had prepared one of the best meals I have ever had, the Syrian Zucchini made with mint was a combination I never encountered until that evening, and for a tired, weary traveler, it was manna from the heavens. And every meal taken at our shuyukhs' homes are just as heavenly. May Allah reward them abundantly. THe next day, we all went to a mawlid together in San Jose where Sheikh Muhammad was to speak. It was a blessed day of a blessed month. During my summer in Syria, almost three years ago, and before I found my own apartment, I spent a fortnight with Umm Ibrahim (while Sheikh Muhammad was in America teaching). She would have my lunch ready for me every day as I arrived back from long, hot days of study at the University of Damascus. Later that summer, after she moved to the suburbs, she asked me to stay with her again and while there one evening I joked about requiring some coffee later. Umm Ibrahim knew I would be up all night so she left a tray with fresh, hot coffee at my door at 3:30 a.m., interrupting her own sleep to do so. I will never forget her service, nor the service of all our shuyukhs' wives in what they do for the tulab al 'ilm, all over the world. May Allah reward them all and grant them the best of both worlds. Ameen. That weekend, back in California, upon seeing and speaking to her for the first time, within five minutes I felt I knew her all of my life. When I first glanced upon her, she was dressed in her white salat outfit, finishing her prayer just when I came in, and that is always my image of her, an angel. She immediately started speaking to me as if I was a relative she hadn't seen in a long while. This is how everyone felt around her, as if she was always family, because she made you feel like family within those first few minutes of meeting her and kept you as her kith and kin even if you didn't speak to her for a long interregnum. For those of you who may not have spoken to her for some time, for sure she remembered you insha Allah and may she greet you and us all in al Jannah. Umm Ibrahim leaves behind three children, all under 10, three siblings, her parents and our beloved teacher, Sheikh Muhammad al Yaqoubi, along with the rest of her extended famly, all of us. May Allah ta'ala grant Umm Ibrahim eternal Paradise for her sacrifice, and enhance the reward of her family with their patience on this sad occasion on a blessed day of a blessed month. Ameen.
Your Sister,
I received a text message last night telling me that Shauykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubis’ wife had died and that their daughter was in critical condition after being involved in a car accident.
It was shocking news, I’ve never met nor even seen the Shauykhs wife yet I felt as if I had been told a close member of my own family had passed away. It was a strange night full of dream s and awoke this morning thinking the news was something I had dreamt.
May Allah swt have mercy upon her soul and grant her Jannah and her family and friends sabr. Ameen.
Whilst I write this I have just received the following email
From Allah we come to Allah we return
A sister emailed this to the Deen Intensive e-mailing group:
A Tribute to Umm Ibrahim/Ferizeh Rabat
As salaamu 'Alaykmum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,
For those of you who did not meet Umm Ibrahim, I thought a glimpse of her rare personality would help in your du'as for her and the family she left behind. Umm Ibrahim has been helping this ummah since she first married Sheikh Muhammad al Yaqoubi 10 years ago. It is through her generosity that we were able to have the time, the classes, with Sheikh Muhammad al Yaqoubi through the years. The wives of all our beloved shuyukh serve the ummah in manifold ways, in fact, their's is a life of pure service. Hundreds of us have eaten from the blessed meals of our shuyukhs' wives, May Allah reward them all. And if that were all they did, it would already be too much as those barakah meals last us a lifetime, meanwhile, they are lovingly presented, day in and day out, in the homes of our shuyukh, who have swinging doors serving the students of Sacred Knowledge. Jazahum Allah khayran. Umm Ibrahim never tired of serving the students, from cooking for them, caring for them, listening to the sisters issues and passing on their questions to the sheikh, making dua's for us through the years and the list never ends. Umm Ibrahim had quick quips ready for any topic broached, was energetic and loved her children more than anything in the world. She loved reading to her kids, teaching them arts and crafts and loved to play in the park with them. At any given moment, she would be engrossed in something she was doing for them or with them, all the while, fielding phone calls, questions from students, for Sheikh Muhammad. She educated herself in homeopathy, organic whole foods, and wanted only the purest nourishment for her family. She was a tireless mother. Upon first meeting her I told Sheikh Muhammad that I had never met anyone like his wife in my life. I first met her in the apartment Sheikh Muhammad lived in with his family when teaching at Zaytuna, in Hayward, California, during this very month of Rabi' al Awwal, six years ago. My husband and I had come from New York to visit Sheikh Muhammad and his family, Sheikh Hamza and Zaytuna Institute, for the weekend. After arriving from the airport to our hotel near their apartment, we went to greet them in the evening. Umm Ibrahim and Sheikh Muhammad had prepared one of the best meals I have ever had, the Syrian Zucchini made with mint was a combination I never encountered until that evening, and for a tired, weary traveler, it was manna from the heavens. And every meal taken at our shuyukhs' homes are just as heavenly. May Allah reward them abundantly. THe next day, we all went to a mawlid together in San Jose where Sheikh Muhammad was to speak. It was a blessed day of a blessed month. During my summer in Syria, almost three years ago, and before I found my own apartment, I spent a fortnight with Umm Ibrahim (while Sheikh Muhammad was in America teaching). She would have my lunch ready for me every day as I arrived back from long, hot days of study at the University of Damascus. Later that summer, after she moved to the suburbs, she asked me to stay with her again and while there one evening I joked about requiring some coffee later. Umm Ibrahim knew I would be up all night so she left a tray with fresh, hot coffee at my door at 3:30 a.m., interrupting her own sleep to do so. I will never forget her service, nor the service of all our shuyukhs' wives in what they do for the tulab al 'ilm, all over the world. May Allah reward them all and grant them the best of both worlds. Ameen. That weekend, back in California, upon seeing and speaking to her for the first time, within five minutes I felt I knew her all of my life. When I first glanced upon her, she was dressed in her white salat outfit, finishing her prayer just when I came in, and that is always my image of her, an angel. She immediately started speaking to me as if I was a relative she hadn't seen in a long while. This is how everyone felt around her, as if she was always family, because she made you feel like family within those first few minutes of meeting her and kept you as her kith and kin even if you didn't speak to her for a long interregnum. For those of you who may not have spoken to her for some time, for sure she remembered you insha Allah and may she greet you and us all in al Jannah. Umm Ibrahim leaves behind three children, all under 10, three siblings, her parents and our beloved teacher, Sheikh Muhammad al Yaqoubi, along with the rest of her extended famly, all of us. May Allah ta'ala grant Umm Ibrahim eternal Paradise for her sacrifice, and enhance the reward of her family with their patience on this sad occasion on a blessed day of a blessed month. Ameen.
Your Sister,
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